I am a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Cash Transfer Lab in the Department of Sociology at New York University where I work on statistical approaches to identify the causal effects of the Alaskan Permanent Fund Dividend. I received my PhD from the University of California, Berkeley in the Departments of Demography and Sociology. My work explores the interplay between quantitative methods and constructionist race theory. My dissertation reflexively applied quantitative methods to explore the process of racial self-identification, how statistical realities are constructed by state bureaucracies when missing race data are imputed, and finally how assumptions implicit in some quantitative approaches to intersectionality are anathema to the underlying critical theory.
PhD in Sociology and Demography, 2021
UC Berkeley
MA in Sociology, 2016
UC Berkeley
MA in Demography, 2013
UC Berkeley
BS in Sociology and Geography, 2011
University of Oregon
Quantitative Sociological Methods, Solo Instructor, 2021 (Sociology 106)
Race and Numbers, Solo Instructor, 2020 (Sociology 190)
Methods of Sociological Research, Graduate Student Instructor, 2018, 2019, 2020 (Sociology 271c),
Methods of Sociological Research, Graduate Student Instructor, 2017, 2018, 2019 (Sociology 271b)
Economic Demography, Graduate Student Instructor, 2014, 2016 (Economics/Demography 175)
Introduction to R workshop for Sociology graduate students, 2014